General Announcements
- Our first pep rally is Monday, September 15. Students are to wear their band t-shirts.
- We highly encourage you to enroll your student in lessons before space runs out. Many students develop much faster under the guidance of a specialist who is a professional on that instrument.
- Instruments go home every day for practice. Practice time is now expected to be 30 minutes.
- Each student received a practice card. Practice cards are due every Monday. Please sign the practice card Sunday evening.
- Sign up for Remind: text @clarkbb to 469-645-0801
- Fundraiser forms were due this Friday, September 12. They will still be received on Monday.
What we did this week….
- Worked on our air-to-buzz
- Started our first sounds
- Practiced our music alphabet forward and backward starting on any letter
- Identified music symbols
- Learned and demonstrated our Valve/Slide series (down and up)
- Turned in our theory books for a daily grade on work completed: lessons 1-10
- Added whole notes to our valve/slide series.
What we will do next week…
- We will play our first 5 notes.
- We will continue practicing our valve/slide series, working for speed.
- We will work on making a good sound.
- We will learn our first melody.
- First assignments from our book: Lines 1-10
- You should hear 5 minutes of sound with 1.5 minutes of resting. In that resting, the students have 4 exercises to practice in the 1.5 minutes: valve/slide series, counting pg 42, breathing exercises and theory/musicracer
Have a wonderful weekend,