After two weeks, we get a day off to rest….and practice! Here is what you should be hearing when your child practices. Be sure to encourage them to practice what they are NOT good at so that they can get better. When we practice what we are good at, improvement stays away. When we practice what is challenging, improvement is at our doorstep. Ancient Chinese proverb? I have no idea, but it sure sounds good!
Trumpets – Chromatic from low G to 4th space Eb, Concert Bb, Ab, F and C scales, all melodies given so far, Iron Man and Star Wars, Line #131
French Horns 2nd period – Chromatic from Low F to 4th space Eb, Concert Eb, F, C and Bb scales, all melodies given so far, Iron Man higher version, Happy Birthday
Oboe – Chromatic from low C to high C, Concert Eb, F, C and G scales, Party Rock Anthem, Harry Potter
Bassoon – Chromatic from low F to high Bb, work down from low F to low Bb, Concert Eb, F, C and G scales, Party Rock Anthem, Harry Potter
French Horns 7th Period – Chromatic from Low F to 3rd space C#, Concert Eb, F, C and Bb scales, all melodies given so far, Iron Man
- Practice Cards are due, signed by you, every Monday
- Be sure to encourage your child when you recognize the music that they are playing, nothing is more satisfying than knowing someone recognizes and appreciates what one is playing.
- Practice tip of the week – Have your child sit on a chair when they are playing (hard back, not a squishy chair). Do not let them sit on the floor or on the edge of the bed, this will allow them the sit and breathe correctly in order to play well