January 25, 2003



Saturday, January 25, 2003

President Clark Miller called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. in the Clark Middle School Conference Room.

In attendance were: Clark Miller, Kim Kinnamon, Cindy Leeper, Robert Bannecker, and David Dunham.

The meeting was opened with a short visit from Joe Tecson of the Frisco High School Band Boosters. He is trying to meet with the Band Booster organizations of each of the Middle Schools that will be sending students to Centennial High School starting the fall of 2003 in order to let them know that they are in the process of choosing the Band Booster Board for the new High School. He handed out copies of the positions that need to be filled. He also asked if the Board knew of any financial consultants who may be willing to help them set up the finances and tax exempt status for the coming year. Clark Miller invited him to attend the final Booster Parents meeting in May in order to get information to more of the eighth grade parents.


Robert stated that as of this meeting, the Band Boosters are $5,024.22 under budget for expenses. David said that he did need another $200 for contest preparation fees. Kim said that she thought all expenses had been paidfor the fall fundraiser, but if not it would only be another $500-$600. It was also stated that the Hospitality expenses are already above the budgeted amount and there are still several events where refreshments will need to be served. David said that he had entered the band into another pre-UIL contest in Garland for March 29 and that he would like to be able to enter the Jazz Festival in Arlington. He would also like to take a field trip to the

Dallas Wind Symphony concert.

He also said that he really did not have a wish list for this year, but would like for any monies that are leftover be put into a fund for a possible overnight trip the spring of 2004. Robert stated that the Board needed to think about how much money should be carried over to the 2003-2004 year. He reminded the Board that there are several expenses at the beginning of the year that will have to be paid before the fall fundraiser will take place.

Robert also stated that there is still some money in the checking account that is left over from last year and not a part of this year’s budget. The Board will also need to decide if any money should be set aside for a Board Retreat during the summer to plan for the 2003-2004 year. It is possible that the Band Boosters will end the year $8,000 – $10,000 above budget. Due to this, the Board decided not to pursue any additional fundraisers this school year.

David said that he had put a check from Brook Mays into the Treasurer’s folder. This check is to pay for the programs for the Holiday Concert in December.

With regards to Basketball Concessions, it was stated that the tournament brought in more money this year than it did last year and that the overall income from basketball

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concessions will probably exceed last year’s amount. It was also stated that Dean Malos had sent “Thank You” letters to both Starbucks and the AMC Movie Theaters for donations made for the tournament.

With regards to the trip to Hurricane Harbor in May, the Boosters will need to pay for at least four busses, 10 chaperones and the two directors.

David said that he had sent letters to the 20 – 25 parents still owing money for band fees. He said that if they are not paid by the end of the year, the students will not be allowed to take their final exams. He also said that next year he will be collecting a $5.00 social fee instead of collecting water and sodas from each student.


Robert said that the last check he wrote for a scholarship reimbursement was on December 28, 2002. The Board decided to take applications for scholarships again for a two week window in February and will approve as many as the current budget will allow. Any monies leftover in the Scholarship budget at the end of the year will either be used to help pay for students to attend a summer band camp or for help with private lessons. With regards to summer band camps, the Band Boosters will only pay for half of the cost (approximately $150) and the money will be reimbursed to the parents after the student has attended the camp.

Only current 6th and 7th grade students will be allowed to apply for the summer scholarships as these students will be returning to Clark in the fall.

David said that he would inform parents that the Boosters will be taking applications again in February and that he will inform the private lesson teachers that they need to turn in their reimbursement forms.

2003-2004 OFFICERS

Vice President Kim Kinnamon will be heading the Nominating Committee that will be filling the Board and Committee Chair positions for the 2003-2004 school year. Kate Jordan and Monica Quiroz-Moore will be serving on this committee.

Kim said that she would write up a phone announcement for David to send to all sixth grade band parents informing them of the upcoming Officer Elections and positions available.

The Board will be recommending that the Volunteer Coordinator position become a Vice-President of Membership position, therefore a Board position. The responsibilities

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of this new office would be to work with the three Band Coordinators in order to obtain volunteers and chaperones for any upcoming events and to work with the Hospitality Chair. This person will stay in contact with the Band Directors about any upcoming events and needs and pass them on to the Coordinators and Hospitality Chair. It was recommended that this position be held by an 8th grade parent as they will be more familiar with the many events.

Dean and Sandy Malos have stated that they will not be able to Chair the Basketball Concessions next year. Sandy has said that she will continue to help with programs for the concerts. They have recommended that the Co-chairs should not be a couple and should have children in different grades (i.e. one 7th grade parent and one 8th grade parent. This is especially true if they have children playing basketball.) One Co-Chair could be responsible for scheduling and the other for supplies. They could take turns opening and closing at the games.

Two mail-outs will need to be sent in the upcoming months. The first will consist of a letter from Clark and information about the open Board and Committee chair positions for next year. This will need to be done before Spring Break in March. The second mail-out will consist of the Nominating Committees recommendations for the Board and Committee Chair positions and any recommended changes to the By-laws.

This must be sent to the parents thirty days before the final meeting at the concerts in May. Clark asked each Board member to look through the By-laws and put together any recommended changes. (I.e. Changing the $100 amount requiring a dual signature to $500.)


A discussion took place as to whether or not the Band Boosters should pay to renew an individual’s SAM’S Club membership when Kim said that she had picked up cards from SAM’S Club that allow an individual to receive the tax exempt status whenever they use that card along with their personal membership card. The Board needs to set clearer guidelines on how to reimburse any members spending money on behalf of the Boosters.

With regards to upcoming events, David stated that they still needed chaperones for the Frisco ISD Middle School contest to be held at Clark on February 9. The Chamber Music concert will be held on February 11 and David asked that Hospitality provide punch and cookies for this event as well as for the February 24th and 27th fifth grade band nights and the March 13th band clinic.

David asked that the Band Boosters have representatives at the February 24th and 27th fifth grade band nights. They will be held from 4:30 – 8:00 p.m.

With regards to upcoming contests, David said that he will be taking three bands to the Sandy Lake contest in April and that he had also signed up for another pre-UIL contest in Allen on March 29. He would like to take a music field trip to the Dallas Wind Symphony concert on April 29.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy L. Leeper


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