Lost your practice card? Download a blank Beginner Practice Card or 7th & 8th Grade Practice Card
Your practice card is designed to help you establish an organized routine for daily practice. A practice card is not needed to be able to tell whether you have practiced or not. How you improve from day to day and week to week reveals that fact. Honesty is the best policy concerning practice time. It is helpful for parents to be involved in the student’s practice and progress. Your encouragement and support is important for their success!
1. Write down the total number of hours (not minutes), per week … round off daily times to the nearest 5 minutes
2. A parent must sign the card weekly and only after practice
3. Turn in your card on the first day of the week; typically Monday.
4.. Private lessons may be counted on your practice card – 1 lesson = 30 minutes
Falsified signatures may result in a six-weeks failure, a parent conference, and
possible school disciplinary action.