After a presentation by the Clark Middle School Jazz Band, President Clark Miller called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. in the Clark Cafeteria. He welcomed the parents and introduced the Band Booster Board and Mr. David Dunham, the Clark MS Band Director.
Band Announcements and Information
Mr. Dunham introduced Assistant Band Director, Gayle Amato, and then walked the parents through the 2002-2003 Band Calendar. He said that the band would be participating in the Frisco Homecoming parade on October 5. He also said that the UIL pre-concert scheduled for March 27 will not be held at Frisco High School due to scheduling conflicts. It may be held at Clark MS. Mr. Dunham stated that the band will be having a fall party on September 13 from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. The Band Boosters will be providing the food. Mr. Dunham also said that the band will be playing for several football games this year, but will be getting to the games late due to scheduling conflicts with the busses.
Mr. Dunham then encouraged parents to place their children in private lessons. He said that he was still looking for a private teacher for the saxophones. He also said that scholarships are available for families needing help with the fees.
Mr. Dunham said that the band practice cards will be due the first day of each week and that all instruments should be taken home daily. In answer to parents’ questions, he said that he had picked up the 7th and 8th grade band shirts that day and the 6th grade shirts would be in on Friday. He also said that the school does not require the band to play at any of the football games, but that it is good practice for the students.
Fund-Raising Project
Vice-President, Kim Kinnamon, said that the students would be selling IMARK pens again this year. She said that the permission slips would be sent home on Friday, September 13. The forms and sample pens will be sent home on September 26. The pens should be in before Thanksgiving and are guaranteed for life along with free refills.
The Band Boosters is hoping to raise $13,000 this year with the fund-raiser. This is down from the $22,000 of the year before due to the smaller size of the band with the opening of the two new Middle Schools. Kim also shared some of the items purchased with the monies from last year. In answer to parents’ questions, the Band Boosters is using the same fund-raiser this year as IMARK gives the Boosters 45% of the monies sold and
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because the sixth graders are often the top sellers and the pens are new to them. Kim did say that there would be some different incentives for selling this year.
Review of Committees and Responsibilities
President, Clark Miller, introduced the Committee Chairs that were present. He said that Vicki Fabian, the Volunteer Coordinator, had compiled a list of the volunteer sheets that had already been completed and that parents who wished to volunteer should be hearing from the Committee Chairs in the near future. The following committees still need a Chairperson:
*Decorations *Scholarships
*Band Coordinators (one for each band) *Chaperones
*Photography *Publicity
*Clerical/Data Entry *Graphics/Artwork
*Awards *Sound/Recording
With regards to the Basketball Concessions, he asked the parents for any information they might have with regards to the High School Basketball schedule. He also said that they are hoping for enough volunteers that each person should only have to help for one or two games.
Denise Miller, School Dance Co-Coordinator, said that the Band Boosters is sponsoring the first dance of the year on Friday, September 20. The 6th grade dance will be from 6:00 – 7:50 p.m. and the 7th and 8th grade dance will be from 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. Tickets will cost $5.00. She said that they were still in need of volunteers and chaperones. With regards to Hospitality, Mr. Dunham reminded parents that if their children had not brought their sodas and water bottles, they need to do so as soon as possible. He also said that he needed more parents to help chaperone the fall band party.
With regards to Photography, the Band Boosters may be purchasing a digital camera to be used for band events.
With regards to Scholarships, it was stated that there is money in the Band Boosters
Budget for scholarships. The application is on the Clark MS Band website.
With regards to Sound/Recording, it was stated that the Band Boosters had purchased equipment with monies raised last year that will allow the band to burn its own CD’s. Mr. Dunham would like to have each concert recorded and then compiled into one CD that could be sold at the end of the year as an additional fund-raiser.
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It was stated that Mr. Dunham is handling the Clark MS Band website at this time, but would like to have some help as most information regarding the band will be obtained through this site, not coming home on paper. It was also stated that District policy requires a background check to be obtained on all volunteers in the school system.
Financial Report
Treasurer, Bob Bannecker, said that the Band Boosters had $7,876.29 in the checking account. He also said that on August 22, the Clark Band Booster Board presented a check for $2,000 to the Wester Band Boosters to help start their program. This money had been committed to Wester by the 2001-2002 Booster Board and parents. He also said that the budget is projecting that we will end the year with a gain of $1,000.
Smart Music Presentation
Assistant Band Director, Gayle Amato, demonstrated the Smart Music software that had been purchased with monies raised by the Band Boosters last year.
Clark reminded the parents to turn in their volunteer forms if they had not already done so. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy L. Leeper