This gallery contains 26 photos.
Here are several of our projects. I hope you enjoy the varied creative ideas from our beginning low brass classes.
If you need a new band t-shirt or just would like to have another for mom & dad, use this form. Print a copy, fill it out, and turn it in with payment to the band hall. Or you can … Continue reading
This gallery contains 26 photos.
Here are several of our projects. I hope you enjoy the varied creative ideas from our beginning low brass classes.
Your child should have received a t-shirt from us today. For the pep-rally on Monday, please have the student wear their band t-shirt. Yes, we have a pep-rally on Monday and students are expected to wear their shirt for the … Continue reading
Greetings Parents, Bless you parents for encouraging your children to practice. Continue to reassure their patience. It takes time to develop a good tone on a brass instrument before we start playing a lot of songs. Here are a few … Continue reading
Due this coming Monday, September 16th
Greetings Parents, Hopefully by now you have been blessed with all kinds of joyful sounds at home. We are already to the point where each instrument will begin to have different assignments; each according to the needs of that particular … Continue reading