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Announcements: Fall Sectionals for All-Region have changed. Click here for details. Band fees are due. $95 for 7th graders and $58 for 8th graders to the Clark Band or pay online here. Please sign up for Remind. You can learn how at this … Continue reading
This gallery contains 167 photos.
Announcements: Band fees are due. $95 for 7th graders and $58 for 8th graders to the Clark Band or pay online here. Please sign up for Remind. You can learn how at this link. Please consider signing up your child for … Continue reading
Announcements: Monday, October 16th is our last donation turn-in!! Please help us raise money for the program. Our goal is $15,000 in donations. Currently, we have almost $10,000! Please help! Pep-Rally on Thursday. Wear your Band T-Shirt. Fall Sectionals for All-Region have … Continue reading
Homework: Students are expected to be able to perform the following music with at least 90% content mastery: Pride of America, Creepy Crawlies, Soaring Dragons Students are expected to have their devices everyday to use as a tuner Practice cards … Continue reading
Homework: Students are expected to be able to perform the following music with at least 90% content mastery: Pride of America, Creepy Crawlies, Soaring Dragons Students should be working on all three etudes of your region audition music. Lines have been … Continue reading