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The football game on Tuesday was so much fun, I hope you had a chance to come out and hear the band play (and watch a great football game too!) If you missed it, don’t worry, you will have another … Continue reading
Homework: Students are expected to be able to perform the following music with at least 90% content mastery: The 8 scales, the first line of the region band music, Fight Song, Hey Song, Radioactive, Sail, and the Hand Clap Song … Continue reading
Homework: Students are expected to be able to perform the following music with at least 90% content mastery Fight Song, Hey Song, Radioactive, Clap Song, Sail Please begin working on all three etudes of your region audition music. Lines have been … Continue reading
Concert Band — Week #2 Posted on September 1, 2017 by Mr. Salinas Homework: Students are expected to be able to perform the following music with at least 90% content mastery: Students are expected to be able to perform the following music … Continue reading
This gallery contains 297 photos.
Parents, we had a great first week in the Concert band! The students hit the ground running and we can play through the Fight Song and the Hey Song already. I am really looking forward to all that we will … Continue reading