This gallery contains 10 photos.
Anyone have more photos to share from our Amazing Jakes party?
Another good week in Concert Band. The band is moving along and is almost finished working on our stand tunes for football games and pep rallies. Soon we will begin our Fall Concert program as well as continue our region music … Continue reading
There are some calendar changes that were made this week. Please go to to get an updated calendar. Announcements: Practice cards are due on Monday, September 12th with a parent signature All other Color Run forms can be filled out … Continue reading
We had another great week in concert band and continue to grow as an ensemble together! Please note the following announcements: Announcements: Practice cards are due on Tuesday, September 6th with a parent signature The Color Run is officially kicked-off. Student … Continue reading
Parents, we had a great first week in the Concert band! The students hit the ground running and we can play through the Fight Song and the Hey Song already. I am really looking forward to all that we will … Continue reading
We wanted to remind you that an important election is taking place in FISD. Frisco ISD voters are being asked to make a decision on a Tax Ratification Election, which would raise the tax rate to provide additional revenue to … Continue reading