Beginning Band Fall Concert
Tuesday, November 6th, at 6:00PM
Clark Cafeteria
Free Admission
All Beginning Band members need to be seated in the band hall for pictures by 5:30. Concert begins at 6:00PM.
Leave your instrument and music in your locker until after pictures.
When we travel to the cafeteria to perform, please leave your cases by your locker in the band hall.
Failure to attend the concert may result in a failing grade for the grading period and possible removal from the program.
If you have transportation issues or a conflict please e-mail us!!
Attire: Cougar Band Shirts, tucked in, with long pants or nice shorts, skirt, or Jeans
Grading: Students will be given SIX Major grades that evening:
Performance Grade
Preparation Grade (including uniform)
Etiquette Grade
To receive FULL CREDIT for the concert, students must stay for the entire concert so they may learn from their peers.
This is our only public performance until May.
Please bring friends, family and neighbors to see what your young musician can do!!!