Time for school!


We are so excited to begin working with your children!  The beginning of the school year is a great time of getting to know each and every one of them and we look forward to starting them on their musical journey in middle school.  Please take note of the following first day procedures:

  • Please have your student bring their instrument and supplies with them on the first day, unless you have arrangements with the music store to have it delivered to the school.
  • Before they go anywhere at Clark on the first day, come directly to the band hall. We will have a place to store their instrument and supplies while they go to class for the day.  Band directors will be on hand to assist them in the morning as you arrive.
  • If your child does not have their instrument and supplies yet, please take care of that this weekend.  Music store information can be found by clicking here.
  • If you have any problems with getting your instrument or supplies, please let us know. We can help.
  • Your child will not need a lock or a binder for band. The band will supply these.
  • Parents who wish to volunteer throughout the year need to go through a background check. You can click here to do that.
  • School owned instrument fees, those paid through My Payments Plus, do not need to be paid at this time.  There has been a glitch in the My Payments site with these. We will let you know when it is up and running.
  • Please consider joining to PTA.  It is not expensive and is a wonderful way to support the entire school!

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Katz

Mr. Kennedy

Mr. Timpani

Miss Giba

This entry was posted in Beginning Band, Compton Crew, Katz Korner, The Paradiddle Post, The Timpani Roll. Bookmark the permalink.